Postdoctoral researcher within Management and Org, Hanken & SSE Executive Education Ab
  • Alkuperäinen julkaisupäivä 19.12.2024
  • Hae viimeistään 31.1.2025
  • Lähde: Työ- ja elinkeinotoimisto
The Hanken School of Economics is looking for a post doc researcher (3 years, fixed term) to work within the project Navigating the green maze: Understanding the challenges and implications of sustainability related "green" entrepreneurial acquisitions", funded by the Marcus Wallenberg Foundation. The project is based within the Department of Management and Organisation at the Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki, Finland. We are interested in recruiting a highly qualified post-doctoral researcher with potential for a successful academic career. International candidates are also warmly welcome to apply.

We offer you a great possibility to co-author top publications within the scope of an ambitious project, and generally the possibility to focus on research.

More specifically, you will be responsible for:

- Conducting research that meets high international standards.
- Collaborating with other members of the research team, particularly in collecting and analyzing qualitative and/or quantitative data.
- Contributing to project-related research publications in high-quality journals and communicating the results of our work to the business community and society at large.
- Contributing to the administration of the project and developing ideas for new external research funding related to the topic.
- Contributing to the competence development of students by providing research-based teaching and supervision in, or closely related to, your field of expertise (appr. only 5% of work time).

As eligibility requirements, applicants for the position are required to have (a) a PhD degree within a relevant subject (b) fluent command of English.

The following qualifications are considered as further important merits:

- In depth knowledge of different qualitative and/or quantitative research methods that could be used in the project.
- Familiarity with research within the areas of mergers and acquisitions and sustainability.
- Existing high-quality academic publications.
- High-quality plans and high potential for future academic publications.
- Experience of applying for research funding.
- Experience of working in teams.
- Skills in Excel and/or complex data management are an additional merit.
- Knowledge of Finnish and/or Swedish is considered an additional merit as it would be useful when contacting local organizations and potentially collecting additional data.

A solid knowledge of the required profile area (mergers and acquisitions and/or sustainability) is prioritized in evaluating and ranking applicants. Special consideration is given to candidates who have demonstrated their ability to produce high quality research. The applicant should pinpoint and describe the fit between the targeted areas of expertise of the position, and his or her knowledge, publication track record and pipeline.

By joining our department, you will benefit from and contribute to a thriving scientific environment at a triple crown-accredited university-level business school (AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA accreditations), becoming part of a group of highly active researchers with high productivity in publishing, numerous global projects, and a strong international profile.

The annual working time in the position is 1612 hours. The location of the position is in Helsinki( During semesters, you are expected to spend a minimum average of three days per week at Hanken in Helsinki in order to actively contribute to the research and teaching environment. Hanken expects full-time academic employees to reside and work in Finland.

The salary for the project researcher is based on the university salary system in Finland (including employee healthcare as well as pension and holiday contributions); the exact salary level depends upon the recruited individual's qualifications and performance. The entry level salary is in range of 47.000 - 51.000 euro / year. Beyond the salary, the university's foundation grants faculty members publication awards for high-quality publications. The trial period will be 3 months.

An application letter, with the following separate attachments:

- CV
- Publication list and pipeline
- Selected, max. 5 recent publications in PDF form
- Research plan including a description of the applicant's fit with the position

shall be submitted electronically to Hanken's recruitment database Laura no later than January 31st, 2025 (EET). In addition, other relevant documents (e.g. certificates, recommendations) may be submitted with the application. Please also indicate when you would be able to start in the position. While we warmly welcome the successful candidate to start in March 2025, we understand that this may not be possible and are willing to discuss an earlier or later starting date. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed either in person or through videoconferencing. We kindly ask interested applicants to submit their applications as soon as possible as we may start interviewing before the deadline.

Enquiries may be directed to the project leader, Associate Professor Paulina Junni, email

Hanken School of Economics reserves the right for justified reasons to leave the position open, to extend the application period and to consider candidates who have not submitted applications during the application period.

Hanken Svenska handelshögskolan söker en postdoktoral forskare (3 år, visstidsanställning) för att arbeta inom projektet "Navigating the green maze: Understanding the challenges and implications of sustainability related "green" entrepreneurial acquisitions", finansierat av Marcus Wallenbergs stiftelse. Projektet är baserat vid Institutionen för Företagsledning och Organisation vid Hanken svenska handelshögskolan i Helsingfors, Finland. Vi är intresserade av att rekrytera en högkvalificerad postdoktoral forskare med potential för en framgångsrik akademisk karriär. Internationella kandidater är också varmt välkomna att ansöka.

Vi erbjuder dig en fin möjlighet att medförfatta toppublikationer inom ramen för ett ambitiöst projekt, och generellt sett möjligheten att fokusera på forskning.

Mer specifikt kommer du att vara ansvarig för:

- Att bedriva forskning som uppfyller hög internationell standard.
- Att samarbeta med andra medlemmar i forskarteamet, s
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